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Wealth Strategies for Life is a diverse financial firm offering a unique "macro-economic" approach to financial, wealth, retirement and estate planning. The firm has been providing breakthrough results beyond traditional planning methods, in both personal and business planning, and has many of its Manhattan clients talking.


One of the reasons for our growth and reputation is our ability to coordinate and integrate every aspect of a client’s financial world, thus encompassing a holistic approach to financial planning. This approach is very distinct from "micro-planning," which is most often associated with traditional financial planning.


To truly educate all individuals so that they can make well informed, unbiased financial decisions.  These decisions foster winning strategies to improve the client’s financial model and future. The firm maintains extensive relationships with over 50 financial institutions to ensure custom planning in order to best serve its client’s needs, and not be bound to any one company’s interests.


All individuals deserve the opportunity to nourish their lives, both personally and financially.  Our vision is that the goal of life is not to have more money but rather to have a life of freedom, purpose and direction. Wealth management can be a powerful tool in achieving these goals.  We believe that taking care of the individual comes first. This leads to life changing relationships, based on trust and integrity.

Gary Montesinos is the CEO and founder of Wealth Strategies for Life; a diverse firm offering a unique 'macro-economic' (holistic) approach to financial, credit, wealth and estate planning. 


With over 30 years of experience in financial, estate and wealth planning, Mr. Montesinos is the dynamic force behind the firm’s macro-economic approach to planning that has many of his clients ‘buzzing’.  During his years of providing planning, Gary has been involved in the creation and management of three start-up financial services divisions, purchased his first real estate property ‘without using any of his own money’ and started his own full service financial planning firm in 2002.  His holistic approach to wealth and financial planning has gained a reputation for providing breakthrough results to his clientele and has helped hundreds of clients create and protect more wealth beyond traditional planning methods. He has worked extensively with CEO’s, physicians, attorneys and successful professionals in helping them ‘reduce costs and recapture taxes’ within both their personal and business financial models. 


Some of his clients include CEO’s and senior executives at companies such as Motorola, Telephonics, Christian Dior, Ford Models, JP Morgan Bank and TD Bank.  Gary is a sought after keynote speaker by attorneys and accountants on advanced estate, business and financial planning strategies and continues to serve as an active mentor in Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business Mentorship Entrepreneurship Competition for senior college students. He is also a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), the New York City Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NYSAIFA) and Advanced Association for Life Underwriters (AALU). 

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